Drop Zone S2--what a great idea! I am sitting in the the lobby of the Ritz Carlton crying over your posts. Hope Holly posts soon!!!!!! Hope your open house was an improvement over the one I participated in on Sunday! Miss you.
Finding themselves 18 hours and half a world apart, the sisters stay connected through a single photo from their day
Sister 1 - Holly
Holly begins her day in Invercargill, New Zealand 18 hours earlier than Mel. She recently moved as far away from Georgia as humanly possible with nothing but 100 pounds of luggage and her family. She is excited to explore her new home, see new stars and use the metric system.
Sister 2 - Mel
Mel's adventure remains in Atlanta where she continues to pursue her big ideas and hopes to visit New Zealand this year for her own photo ops.
Drop Zone S2--what a great idea! I am sitting in the the lobby of the Ritz Carlton crying over your posts. Hope Holly posts soon!!!!!! Hope your open house was an improvement over the one I participated in on Sunday! Miss you.